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Fuori Salone | Via tortona 12 | April 14th -19th 2010
Histrionic Nina Yashar experimented new contemporary visions shifting between art and design in
Via Tortona temporary gallery, on the occasion of Milan design week.
Point of origin is some sort of reflection on the recent going back to art primitivism through the work of two artists-designers groups.
Under Nilufar Gallery aegis, two different ways to express primitivism were on show: AVL’s bloody and primeval primitivism and Nucleo’s sophisticated and digital one.
Linked together by the primitive line, AVL and Nucleo are also near as of matter and shape research. The former is more figurative, the latter more technological, both being characterised by an incisive stroke and their manual working of glass fibre and composite materials.
A glance to the past so as to reinvent the future, with a modern redrawing of creative processes.

By the wind is the new Nucleo research.
The concept is creating a surface with a high degree of uncertainty as natural phenomenon like a snow storm.
The semi-finished object, a hybrid of nature and artifice, is coated by a process which makes it similar in surface to a natural object buried under a blanket of snow.
The performance consists in recreate an artificial snow storm every hour.
A semiautomatic machine with a special gun sprays on the table structure a hot polyurethane layer for one minute every hour and a fan creates its random design.

Atelier Van Lieshout will show the new series of furniture, using the human figure as starting point. Sculptures have been transformed by adding just a few items that changed them into furniture pieces.
On one side furniture has been made out of human sculptures (Revolt table) on the other side prints of people are used for several pieces (Fat Bastard Key Chain). While new lamps (Hanging and Hippodrome) are referring to a more contemporary heroic scene that brings older themes of myths back into today’s society. The results were not designed but the process dictated the outcome of this furniture.
Atelier Van Lieshout (AVL) is the studio and workshop of Dutch artist Joep van Lieshout, which he established in 1995. AVL became an internationally recognized artist collective because of stunning works, as the mobile homes and functional sculptures.
AVL produces a unique combination of practical work and autonomous work; this is what lead to interests by curators and museum directors on a global basis; from Tokyo to Toronto AVL has exhibited its work and realized projects. Van Lieshout’s work stretches from machines to sculptures, from furniture design to buildings, from installation to designing utopias and dystopias on an architectural level.
Reluctant to being conventional and limited, AVL always finds a creative and aesthetic solution. One of the most recognized projects is the establishment of AVL-Ville, 2001, a cultural and republic free state in Rotterdam’s harbours. While it only existed for one year, yet it fashioned a lot of publicity and attention and seemed to provoke and inspire creativity within the design industry. The artistic but functional aspects of his work intrigued curators, architects, urban designers and resulted in a lot of exhibitions, projects and collaborations within the Netherlands and internationally.

© 2013 Studio Nucleo
