#fsrr  #studionucleo  




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Imago Mundi is the collection of works commissioned and collected by Luciano Benetton on his travels around the world, involving,
on a voluntary and non-profit basis, established and emerging artists from many different countries.
Each of them has created a work whose only restriction is its 10×12 cm format, contributing to the creation of a remarkable artistic geography.
Art is born from a complex direct relationship with its surroundings and culture.
Imago Mundi’s ambition is to unite these diversities of our world in a common frame of artistic expression.
With this in mind, we have created an experience that allows for a freedom of exploration
while still enabling one to switch with more focused objectives.
Now just like true art, how you may continue is open to a number of interpretations.

Nucleo presented the ‘Souvenir of the last century’ frame, epoxy resin on the wood frame (12x10cm), 2014
