#nilufargallery  #studionucleo  

Nucleo@Squat #1 in Paris
A project by Nilufar Gallery, Balice Hertling and Dimore Studio

“Squat #1”
186, Avenue Victor Hugo 75016 Paris
16 October – 10 November 2012
from 12 am to 7 pm, Tuesday to Saturday or by appointment

“Squat # 1” is the result of a fortunate encounter between Nilufar Gallery, Balice Hertling and Dimore Studio.
During the period of the FIAC (Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain), when the French capital is the core of the world art, a 350-sq-m apartment in Avenue Victor Hugo, in the heart of Paris, will be the wonderful and exclusive location of the “artistic occupation” created by those three different entities: art, architecture and design, meeting in an unusual space where the boundaries of all those different disciplines will challenge each other.


“Presenze” consolle 498 cubes – Nucleo_Piergiorgio Robino + Alice C. Occleppo – 2012

The “Presenze” consolle designed by Nucleo will be showed during the exhibition.
The vernice will be on 15th October from 7pm to 11pm.


“Presenze” consolle 498 cubes – Nucleo_Piergiorgio Robino + Alice C. Occleppo – 2012

Oct 16, 2012 – Nov 10, 2012
Nilufar Gallery will exhibit with the first edition of “SQUAT#1”

© 2013 Studio Nucleo
