#ammanngallery  #studionucleo  

















ph credits Laila Sonsino

Manifesto – the first retrospective on Studio Nucleo
Italian Institute of Culture Hôtel de Galliffet 73, Rue de Grenelle 75007, Paris, France
March 26th – May 6th, 2014

The Italian Institute of Culture in Paris presented from March 26th to May 6th, 2014 the first important retrospective on Studio Nucleo, the art and design collective led by Piergiorgio Robino.
The exhibition was conceived and realised by the Nilufar Gallery of Milan, and curated by Elena Giulia Abbiatici and Melania Rossi.
It was set up under the “Promises of Art” program, which aims to promote young talents from the ultra-contemporary Italian art scene.
Manifesto tells the story of a group and its assertions. This is not propaganda. It’s a second reading, a proposition.
It is a thought which translates into action, a meeting at the peak of artisanal and artistic research.
The collective meaning of Manifesto is completed by presenting a series of everyday objects – Manifesto, concludes by exploring the evolution and the research innate in visible products.
The syntax of lexicon is thus made tangible, tied as it were to the process of invention and creation of objects. Each object discloses its internal secret as an original artistic vision.
The exhibition served to enforce the creative process by making it explicit and to present the relationship between different materials, shapes, colours, weights and concept, as their balance changes and evolves.
The result was a perfect link interlocking empty spaces and volumes, abstract principles and everyday use, potential allusion and the real essence of objects…
Studio Nucleo’s work is simultaneously material and conceptual: molded by many hands, it has the ambition to combine three forms of knowledge – theory, practice and production (theoria, pràxis e poiesis).

The 15 works on show in the Hôtel de Galliffet were of different formats, all realised with various techniques developed during the past five years.
The Studio Nucleo retrospective was the occasion to present Carboniferous, a work commissioned by the committee for the Unification of Italy Sesquicentennial Celebrations.

Studio Nucleo is represented by: Gabrielle Ammann Gallery, Cologne – Nilufar Gallery, Milan – Galerie Italienne, Paris

Nilufar Gallery, founded by Nina Yashar, has been a landmark for all historical design lovers, as well as those who follow the evolution of contemporary design,
in particular in the poetic, visionary and cultured area that moves between production and contemporary art.

Elena Giulia Abbiatici and Melania Rossi are art historians and independent curators who work on the border between different artistic expressions.
They write for magazines and contemporary art catalogues and are active as curators of exhibitions and art prizes.
