by Alberto Zanchetta
The title of this exhibition, “La dialettica del concreto” does not intend
to establish any truth; if anything, it seeks to trigger a dialogue between
Luca Coser and Studio Nucleo around the concreteness of form and colour
to make the logical and the mnemonic process visible.
Everything is related to everything – Studio Nucleo shows us that form is the idea
that becomes manifest, becoming visible through time.
From Primitive furniture to Souvenirs of the last Century, the artifacts of Studio Nucleo
are characterized by solid, almost adamantine geometries that pertain to a deductive system.
Conversely, Luca Coser relies on non-Euclidean geometries that graft themselves,
in a parasitic way, onto the “image form” of nebulous memories; the mnemonic aid,
as the artist understands it, is relieved of all its personal and affective components.
It is a memory which belongs to no one because it belongs to everyone, in which indeterminacy
becomes exceedingly intense.
One and Multiple – Studio Nucleo’s multifaceted and multidisciplinary identity
stubbornly puts into crisis, combined with its continuous research,
challenges pre-constituted systems. After pioneering experiments with epoxy resin,
Piergiorgio Robino continued the evolutionary development of his own research
and decided to approach the 3D printing of his work using 3D printing so that
the object is the child of the design and his additive process.
Layer by layer, rapid prototyping allows for grids in which colour vibrates,
exerting on us an intense fascination, just as a work of art freed from any utility would.
Endowed with an apparent aesthetic charge, these objects are “indubitable,”
that is, able to state precisely what they are and how they are made.
Opposites are complementary – The concatenation of images chosen by Coser
provokes a sense of bewilderment. In his works, we sense a difficulty of “fixation,”
that is, the inability to maintain the gaze on the represented subject as if
they were constantly searching for a punctum pruriens.
On the contrary, for Studio Nucleo, it is essential to locate a punctum dolens;
the intrusive imposing bronze parallelepipeds that are grafted inside
ancient vintage sculptures are a paradigmatic example of the intermittencies
and red herrings that the “cosification” of the world around us. Wanting to venture,
we could say that Coser’s painting is comparable to a somnambulist,
while Studio Nucleo’s sculpture is similar to a tightrope walker.
Via Cesare Magnani Ricotti 2, Novara, Italy
March 31st – June 4th, 2023