#ammanngallery  #reggiadivenaria  #studionucleo  

‘Fatto in Italia. From the Middle Ages to Made in Italy’. Contemporary poetries.
Curated by Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò

The section Contemporary poetries of the exhibition Fatto in Italia.
From the Middle Ages to Made in Italy hosted in the prestigious Reggia di Venaria,
is configured as a reasoning stimulated and inspired by the extraordinary sequence
of the artifacts shown in the part of the exhibition dedicated to the ancient period.
This – consciously partial – reflection is aimed deliberately at identifying one of the possible,
specific manifestations of the modern-day process
that combines design activities with those of production, focusing on works created according to
the criteria of artisanal limited editions, or even one-offs.

This section of the exhibition offered an overview of several Italian designers producing
their own ideas or designing for prestigious manufacturing companies,
with reference to a timespan that includes the last decade, and with the added intention
of fostering observation of what can be considered meaningful for the near future.

There is just one underlying theory in the consideration: that the “culture of making”,
taken to mean the ability to produce “creative design”
combined with “knowing how to make”, today, as in the past,
continues to be a prerogative action of Italian manufacturing,
which defines a specific excellence that distinguishes,
qualifies and promotes worldwide what is “made in Italy”.

Studio Nucleo participated with two pieces from the Ammann//Gallery collection, ‘Stone Fossil’ and ‘Souvenir of the last Century’.

Reggia di Venaria Reale
Piazza della Repubblica 4, Venaria Reale (TO), Italy
March 19th – July 10th, 2016

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Fatto in Italia. From the Middle Ages to Made in Italy. Contemporary poetries. | Studio Nucleo Stone Fossil, Souvenir of the Last Century | ph Tullio Deorsola per BRH+