curated by Barbara Brondi and Marco Rainò
CHI E’ L’OPERA? | Studio Nucleo installation for Tomás Alonso e Minale-Maeda works
1 workshop | 7 students | 4 design and art schools |
2 assistants | 2000 shoes boxes took from the market |
20 liters of white paint | 7 working days | 1 installation
The perception of an art or design object depends on the context in which it is inserted.
The exhibition is a neutral background?
Is it beautiful the artwork or is it skilful the setting builder?
Beautiful is the exhibition, beautiful is the artwork. Bad is the exhibition, bad is the artwork.
Who is the artwork?
Contemporary minimal objects, and artificial lights.
Inside a baroque room, polite, elegant, finely illuminated.
The exhibition is the protagonist as the object exhibited, in synthesis and contrast to the work.
The baroque room implode.
The deconstruction of the usual becomes a prismatic primitive aggregates.
The exhibition as a deconstruction of the display, the exhibition as an artwork in itself.
Studio Nucleo Tutor: Piergiorgio Robino, Stefania Fersini, Alice C. Occleppo
Assistants: Nicolò Di Prima, Anita Peretti
Students: Andrea Aragno, Sara Ceraolo, Elisabetta Colucci, Jessica Quadrelli,
Gianluca Mignani, Luca Parodi, Sara Petrucci
PALAZZO BIRAGO, Via Carlo Alberto, 16, Turin, Italy
Preview November 6th, 9-11 pm | November 7th – 14th, 3-7 pm
© 2013 Studio Nucleo