#boolean  #studionucleo  

Boolean Loft Re Thutmose III | 14,7 x 10,5 x 3h cm

Boolean Loft Re Thutmose III (testa) | 10,5 x 14,7 x 2,5h cm

Boolean Loft Re Amenofi II | 14,7 x 10,5 x 3,5h cm

Boolean Loft Sarcofago Gemenefharbak | 10,5 x 14,7 x 4h cm

Boolean Loft
Studio Nucleo, 2018
By Piergiorgio Robino & Alice C. Occleppo
3D print on vintage postcard framed
Unique pieces
Exhibited at P.A.C.I. VI Edizione
curated by Gioia Cativa, under the patronage of the
Municipality of Isernia and the Molise Region
Artistic Director: Antonio Pallotta
Auditorium Unità d’Italia, Isernia, Italy
September 2nd – 30th, 2018
Ph PEPE fotografia
© 2023 Studio Nucleo