#boolean  #bronze  #studionucleo  



“Boolean” And (gorilla)
Studio Nucleo, 2017
By Piergiorgio Robino & Edoardo U. Trave
Welded, polished bronze on vintage sculpture
85 x 76 x 110h cm
Unique piece



Boolean as new meaning
Boolean as manipulation’s result
Boolean as in computer – aided design are called operations of subtraction, intersection, and union

Adding, subtracting or intersecting makes the results change. In the realm of three-dimensionality,
an object’s whole hierarchical system of meanings can change if each cut creates a function,
and each insert lends itself to good use.
Studio Nucleo redefines the fate of an artwork by adding elements,
through a manipulation that does not erase entirely the media from which you started.
Indeed, it enhances its intimate nature showing its reaction to the changes.

In the end, it does not contradict the origin; instead, it presents another form.
In the work of Studio Nucleo, the quotes, as the fragment or the re-enactment of memory,
are tools to build an image of reality and to translate it into an attendance object,
always suspended between visions of the future and memories from the past.

In this empirical knowledge of space and time, Studio Nucleo moves between
the accuracy and uncertainty, choosing geometric shapes and numerical proportions,
remaining faithful to a certain idea of limit, series and symmetry.

The elements of statues which build the Boolean project can certainly be reduced to abstract schemes,
but then there’s the whole sensitive aspect, chaotic and inaccurate, returnable only through the creative idea
that respects those objects found, observed and processed.
The Artwork is identified with the project and with its own technique of realization:
the result is the simultaneity of several elements.

Image credits Studio Pepe Fotografia

© 2017 Studio Nucleo
