‘Relief’ marble, Bench 02
Studio Nucleo, 2015
By Piergiorgio Robino, Alice C. Occleppo % Edoardo U. Trave
Inlaid marble and iron
130 x 40 x 60h cm
‘Relief’ marble, Bench 01
Studio Nucleo, 2015
By Piergiorgio Robino, Alice C. Occleppo % Edoardo U. Trave
Inlaid marble and iron
140 x 40 x 70h cm
‘Relief’ marble, Consolle
Studio Nucleo, 2015
By Piergiorgio Robino, Alice C. Occleppo % Edoardo U. Trave
Inlaid marble and iron
85 x 40 x 200h cm
Relief as the main subject.
Relief as an installation.
Relief as relevance rising.
Relief is the idea of an artwork being born from a past artifact.
It is the sum of an artifact with its display.
Since the display is visible as the artifact, it acquires the same value of the work that it exposes.
The display becomes an installation, and joins the artifact, merging into a single work.
Studio Nucleo as a curator, chooses the artwork to show and designs the display.
Studio Nucleo with Relief, is the artist and the curator both at the same time.
The display is the artwork, and each work is unique, made by the machine.
No more a simple display but an installation, that explains the artifact and enhances it.
The structure is modular, consisting of elements reproducible and repeatable that contrast with the main subject,
the artifact, a unique piece reworked and made new.
© 2015 Studio Nucleo